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Faith Unleavened: The Wilderness Between Trayvon Martin and George Floyd 

In their powerhouse debut, Tamice Spencer-Helms exposes the leaven of whiteness that pervades so much of Christianity in America today. At a young age, the Black church introduced her to a God of love, empowerment, and joy. But an encounter with White Jesus set her on a path that nearly destroyed her faith altogether. Persistent police brutality against Black people, and the white church’s persistent excuses for it forced Spencer-Helms to carefully identify how the idol of whiteness keeps Christians captive, and how we can burn the idol down. With brilliant prose and gripping storytelling, she takes us on the painful but liberating journey of extracting the leaven from spirituality, and rediscovering the parts of ourselves that a colonized Christianity seeks to suppress. This book will confront readers with the stomach-turning reality of constant injustice, but also delight and overwhelm them with the freedom of Christ.

"Tamice Spencer-Helms takes readers by the hand and walks them through her exodus and liberation. We witness the scales falling from her eyes and see with her, for the first time, that the White evangelical waters she once found respite within are actually filled with the rotting bodies of theology and discipleship stunted and killed by White Jesus. "

- Lisa Sharon Harper, president and founder of Freedom Road, LLC and author of several books, including The Very Good Gospel and Fortune

God Is Not A Weapon.

Activism is defined as using direct and noticeable action to achieve a result. Similarly, theo-activism employs such approaches within a theological context. With two decades of dedicated service in full-time Christian ministry and advanced degrees from well-regarded evangelical seminaries, Tamice has acquired a deep and broad understanding of American evangelicalism and its theological perspectives. Additionally, Tamice has personal experience with the harmful effects of toxic theology and the process of rebuilding a decolonized, radical, ethical spirituality.

As a nonbinary womanist, Tamice roots their pursuit of God in the tradition of the Black church.​ Listen to a curated list of interviews where they share their experiences and insights into the world of theo-activism, shedding light on the need for progressive change within religious communities.

Trying To Convince Myself
Trying To Convince Myself
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People Thought I Was On Fire
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Patriarchy and Homophobia in the Black Church
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White Supremacy Was Leaven In My Theology
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© 2024 Tamice Namae Speaks, LLC

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